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জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় প্রফেশনালের সিলেবাসঃ Computer Science & Engineering(CSE)

1st Year 1st Semester:
CSE-111 Introduction to Computer System
Data & Information, History, Basic organization of computer, Computer generations, Types of
computer: Main frame, Mini and Micro computer, Different types of micro computer, Simplest &
Expanded Computer System, Number systems, Binary, Hexadecimal and Octal numbers, A
Modern Overview of Computers , Some Modern Computing Ideas, Types of computer buses.

Hardware & Software:
Hardware, Classification of hardware, Types of software, Systems software, Operating system,
Editors, Assemblers, Compilers, Interpreters, System Utilities, Application packages.

Input Device Techniques:
Keyboard, Touch Screen, Light pen, Mouse, Pen Input Method, Graphics Table, Joysticks,
Barcodes,OCR System, Scanner, Mark Sense Reader, Magnetic Ink character recognition, Digital
Camera, Speech Input.

Output Device Techniques:
Monitor, printer, Graphics output devices.

Storage Techniques:
Primary storage device and techniques, Secondary storage device and techniques.

Operating System:
Basic Concept, Types of operating system, Batch, Multi-tasking, Multi-processing, Time sharing &
Real time operating system.

Modern Communication Systems:
Computer Networks, Types of computer network, Network topology, International Network
Standards. Programming Concept: Problem Analysis, Algorithm build-up, Flowcharts, High level
Language Features, Function and Procedure.

Reference Books:
Understanding Computer Science for Advance Level, (4th Edition).- Ray Bradly.
Computer Fundamentals, (4th Edition).-Pradeep K. Sinha.
Computers and Information System, (5th Edition).- Sarah B. Hutchinsonb and Stacey C. Sawyer.
Computer Fundamental, M. Lutfar Rahman and M. Alamgir Hossain.

CSE-112 Programming Language
Overview of C:
Constants, variables and data types:
Operator & Expression:
Managing Input & Output Operators:
Decision making and branching:
Decision making and looping:
Handling of character strings:
User-defined functions:
Structure and Union; Pointers:

File management:

Reference Books:
E. Balagurusamy, Programming in ANSI C.
Yamath Kanathkar, Let US C”
Yamath Kanathkar, Pointer in C.
Herbert Schildt, Turbo C.

CSE-113 Programming Language Practical
Laboratory works based on CSE-112
Overview of C:

Constants, variables and data types:

Operator & Expression:

Managing Input & Output Operators:

Decision making and branching:

Decision making and looping; Arrays:

Handling of character strings:

User-defined functions:

Structure and Union; Pointers:

File management:

CSE-114 Physics (Electricity and magnetism)

Charge, Electric field & Gauss’s Law:
Simple phenomena in electrostatics, Electrostatic induction and charge density; Coulomb’s law;
Electric field & field strength; Point charge in an electric field; Dipole in an electric field; Electric
flux;Gauss’s law and some applications; Electric potential ; Potential due to a point charge; Equipotential surfaces; Potential energy; Potential gradient; Capacitance and its calculation;
Parallel plate capacitor with dielectric; Dielectric & Gauss’s law; Electric vectors; Energy
stored in an electric field.

Electric current, Simple circuits and Electrical Measurements:
Current and Ohm’s law; E.M.F. and potential difference; Whetstone bridge; Simple RC and
RL circuits; The potentiometer; Moving coil galvanometer; Ammeter; Voltmeter; Multimeter;
Wattmeter & Energy meter; Measurements of Voltage; current; Resistance; Inductance ; Capacitance; Power and Energy.

Magnetic Field & force on Current:
Coulomb’s law; Magnetic field and field strength; Magnetic force on current; Directions of
current and field; Maxwell’s screw rule; Fleming’s left hand rule; Magnetic field near long wire;
Magnetic field in----; Fleming’s right hand rule.

Magnetic properties of matter:
Poles and dipoles; Coulomb’s law for magnets & Gauss’s theorem of magnetism;
Dia-magnetism; Para-magnetism; Ferro-magnetism; Magneto motive force and field intensity; Concept of self and mutual inductance; The co-efficient of magnetic coupling; Rise of current
and decay of current in inductive circuit; Energy in magnetic field; Inductance in series and
parallel; Hysteresis and eddy current losses.

Reference Books:
David Halliday and Robert Resin, Physics Part-II.
Boylested, Introductory Circuit Analysis.
B.L. Theraja, A Text book of Electrical Technology.

CSE-115 Differential Calculus and Co-Ordinate Geometry
Differential Calculus:
Limits, continuity and differentiability;
Successive differentiation of various types of functions;
Leivniz’s theorem; Rolle’s theorem;
Mean value theorem in finite and infinite forms;
Lagrange’s form of remainders;
Cauchy’s form of remainders;
Expansion of functions;
Evaluation indeterminate forms by L’Hospitals rule;
Partial differentiation; Euler’s theorem;
Tangent and Normal ,
Sub-tangent and sub-normal in Cartesian and polar co-ordinates;
Maximum and minimum values of functions of single variable;
Points of inflexion;
Curvature; Radius of curvature;
Centre of curvature Asymptotes, curve tracing.

Co-ordinate Geometry:
Transformation of co-ordinates axes and it uses;
Equation of conics and its reduction to standard forms;
Pair of straight lines;
Homogeneous equations of second degrees;
Angle between a pair of straight lines;
Pair of lines joining the origin to the point of intersection of two given curves;
System of circles;
Orthogonal circles;
radical axis,
radical centre, properties of radical axes;
Coaxial circles and limiting points;
Equations of parabola;
Ellipse and hyperbola in Cartesian and polar co-ordinates;
Tangents and normals;
pair of tangents;
Chord of contact;
Chord in terms of its middle points;
Pole and polar parametric co-ordinates;
Conjugate diameters and their properties;
Director circles and asymptotes.

Reference Books:
Dr. Abdul Matin, Differential Calculus.
Abu Yusuf, Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus.
B.C Das& B.N. Mukherjee, Differential Calculus.
A textbook of Co-ordinate Geometry( Two and three dimensions).
Rahman and Bhattacharja, Co-ordinate Geometry and Vector Analysis.

GED-116 English
The works should concentrated at the higher levels on technical and IT usage to include:
Accuracy and conciseness in technical English structure, format, etc for technical reports and theses
comparing and contrasting aspects of short reports (such as for assignments) and long dissertations
(such as for projects).
Thematic structures, vocabulary, cohesive and rhetorical devices, grammatical items, intension /
attitude of the writer, précis (i) comprehension; (ii) paragraph; (iii) precise; (iv) essay; (v)
amplification; (vi) dialogue writing.
The sentence: A i) Normal group: a) Determiners; b) Adverb; c) Adjective; d) Noun-adjective; e)
Headword; f) Prepositional phrase; g) infinitive phrase; h) participle phrase; i) appositive. ii) Verbal
group: a) The tenses; b) The modal auxiliaries; c) Phrasal verbs. iii) Verb modifiers: a) Adverbials
of time; b) Adverbials of place; c) Adverbials of manner; d) Adverbials of duration; completing
sentences, correction of sentences, transformation of sentences, combination of sentences, framing
of which questions. G. NOTIONS AND FUNCTIONS: i) Emotional attitudes. e.g. liking ii) Moral
attitudes: apology, regret etc iii) Suasion (utterance, designed to influence the behavior of other) iv)
Intellectual attitudes. e.g. agreement, disagreement, permission, obligation, etc. v) Socializing e.g.
greeting, farewell, etc.
Application---Request---Enquiries---Quotation---Complaints---Tender---to Newspapers---Formal
and Informal--- Advertisements, etc.
English to Bangla and Bangla to English.
Writing Projects, Reports and theses.
Reference Books:
Chowdhury & Hossain, Advanced Learner Functional English.
Boocckner, Keith and Brown, Charies P. Oxford English for computing.
Thomson & Martin, A practical English Grammar.

1st Year 2nd Semester:

CSE-121 Data Structure
Introduction Basic:
Terminology; Elementary Data Organization; Data Structures; Data Structure Operations; Control
Structures; Algorithms; Complexity, Time-Space Tradeoff, Mathematical Notation and function,
String Processing: String Operations, word processing, and Pattern Matching Algorithms.

Arrays, Records and Pointers:
Linear Arrays; Representation of linear array in memory; traversing linear arrays, Inserting and
Deleting; sorting ;( Bubble sort), Searching (linear, binary), Multidimensional Arrays; Pointer
Arrays; Record Structures; Matrices.

Linked lists:
Representation of Linked lists in memory, Traversing a linked lists, Searching a linked
list,insertion,deletion;Header and two way lists.

Stacks, Queues, Recursion:
Array Representation of Stacks, Polish Notation; Quicksort, Recursive definition; Towers of Hanol,
Implementation of Recursive procedures, Queue Dequeue, Priority Queues.

Binary Trees; Representing Binary Trees in memory, Traversing Binary Tree, Header Nodes;
Threads, binary search trees, Heap tree, heap sort, Huffman’s Algorithm.

Sequential Representation of Graph: Adjacency Matrix; Path Matrix; Warshall’s Algorithm;
Linked Representation of Graphs.

Reference Books:
Seymour Lipschutz (Schaum’s outline series), Data Structure (International Edition).
Ellis Horowitz & Sartaj, Data Structure and Algorithm.
Robers L Kruse, Data Structure& Programming Design, 2nd ED.

CSE-122 Data Structure Practical
Laboratory works based on CSE-121
Operation on array of character(Single character,
substring insertion,
Usage of built-in string function declared in STRING.H file,
Declaration and use of single/ multiple structure/ record type variables,
Searching algorithms (Linear, Binary),
Sorting Algorithms (Bubble,insertion,merge,Quick),
Usage of pointer variable and memory allocation,
Usage of address arithmetic,
Usage of call by reference variable,
Usage of pointer in structure variables and implementation as link list,
Operation on one-way link list(Creation,display,
Insertion,deletion,append etc),
Declaration and operation on stack(Push, Pop) and queue (Dequeue),
Recursive function (Towers Hanoi),
Binary tree implementation,
Infix, prefix,
postfix transformation using array,
Traversing techniques (In-order,
preorder, post-order),
Calculation of paths and nodes as well as height of a graph and tree,
Advanced sorting technique (Heap sort).

CSE-123 Introduction to Electrical Engineering
Ohm’s law, Power and Energy:
Conductance and conductivity, Ohm’s Law, Power, Wattmeter, Efficiency, Energy, Circuits Breaker’s,
GFCIS and Fuses, Effect of Temperature on resistance

Series Circuits:
Introduction, Voltage Sources in Series, Kirchoff’s Voltage Law, Resistance in Series, Voltage Divider
rule, Voltage regulation

Parallel circuits:
Introduction, kirchoff’s current law, Current divider rule, Voltage source in parallel, Open and short
circuits, Voltmeter
Method of analysis:
Source conversion, Maxwell’s loop Current method, Mesh Analysis with matrix form, Nodal analysis
with voltage source, Nodal analysis with current source

Network theorem:
Delta star conversion, Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Maximum
power transfer theorem.

Ampere’s law, Biot-Savart law, Induction and Inductance, Magnetic properties of matter, Inductors
and transformers, AC and DC networks, DC and AC powers, Instantaneous and r.m.s value:
Current, voltage and power, average power for various combinations of R.L and C circuits, Phasor

Reference Books:
Boylested, Introductory Circuit and Analysis.
B.L. Theraja, A Text book of Electrical Technology.
David Halliday and Robert Resin, Physics Part-II.

CSE-124 Introduction to Electrical Engineering Practical
Laboratory works based on CSE-123
Verification of ohm’s law and measurement of Resistivity of a Metallic wore,
To verify Kirchoff’s Current law and kirchoff’s Voltage law,
To verify Thevenin’s theorem,
To verify Norton’s theorem,
To verify Superposition theorem,
To study R-C circuit and to find out the time constant,
To study the R-L-C series Resistance circuit.

CSE-125 Integral Calculus and Differential Equation
Indefinite Integral as Inverse of Derivatives:
Techniques of integration; Definite integral as limit of a sum; Interpretation as area; Fundamental
theorem of integral calculus (for continuous functions); Determination of length and area of plain
curve; Volume and surface area of revolution.

Introduction to linear, Non-linear and Inhomogeneous Differential Equations:
Solutions of ordinary differential equations; Solutions by the method of variation of parameters and
undetermined co-efficient.

Differential Equations:
Power series solutions about singular points; Solutions of partial differential equations by the
method of separation of variables.

Reference Books:
Dr. Abdul Matin, Integral Calculus
B.C Das & B.N Mukherjee, Integral Calculus
Abu Yusuf, Differential Equations
r. Abdul Matin,Differential Equations.
Bottom Footer

CSE-126 Statistics and Probability
Elements of Statistics:
Nature and scope of statistics, Nature & representation of statistical data; Attributes and variables;
discrete and continuous variables; Method of data collection;

Measures of location:
Characteristics of an ideal measure; Arithmetic mean; Geometric mean; Harmonic mean; Median;
Mode; Quartiles; Deciles; Percentiles.

Measure of dispersion:
Characteristics of an ideal measure: Absolute & Relative measures; Range; Standard deviation;
Mean deviation; Quartile deviation; Coefficient of dispersion; Coefficient of variation; Skow noss
and kurtosis

Elements of Probability:
Meaning and definition of Probability; A priori and a posteriori probability; Basic terminology of
probability; Random variables; Probability function; Expectation of sum and products.

Regression and correlation:
Relationship between variables; Fitting of regression lines; Simple correlation; Multiple correlation
and regression.

Sampling Techniques & its role, different types of sampling & its merits & Demerits.

Tests of Significance:
Tests of means, Variance, Correlation coefficient and regression coefficient.

Probability Distribution:
Binomial Distribution, its uses and properties, Poisson Distribution, its uses and properties,
Normal Distribution, its uses and properties.

Reference Books:
M. Nurul Islam, An Introduction to Statistics.
M.G. Mostafa, Methods of Statistics.
Md. Abdul Aziz, Business Statistics.

CSE-127 Discrete Mathematics
Set Theory, Relations,
Graph Theory,
Planer Graph and Trees,
Direct graphs and Binary Trees,
Algebraic Systems,
Ordered sets and lattices,
Propositional Calculus,
Boolean Algebra,
Lattices, group theory,
cyclic groups,
permutation groups,
symmetry groups,
Basic structure theory,
Prepositional and Predicate logic,
Mathematical reasoning and program techniques,
Theories with induction,
Counting and countability,
Graph and trees.
Morphisms, Algebraic structure.

Reference Books:
K.H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, McGraw Hill, 4th ED 2000.
O. Nicodemi, Discrete Mathematics CBS,1989.
J.C, Molluzzo and F. Buckley, (Waveland Press, reprinted 1997) ISBN 0-8833-9407.

2nd Year 3rd Semester :

CSE-211 Object Oriented Programming
Principles of Object Oriented Programming;
Beginning with C++;
Expressions and Control Structure;
Functions in C++;
Classes and Objects;
Constructors and Destructors;
Operator Overloading and Type conversions;
Extending classes; Pointers;
Virtual Functions and Polymorphism;
Managing console I/O operations;
Working with Files;
Introduction to Java,
comparison between Java and C++.

Reference Books:

E. Balagurusamy, Object oriented programming with C++.
Robert Lafore, Turbo C++.
Herbert Schildt, Turbo C++, The complete Reference.
Herbert Schildt, Teach Yourself C++.

CSE-212 Object Oriented Programming Language Practical
Laboratory works based on CSE-211
Review of C Programming;
Use of C++ Editors/ compilers;
Basic C++ input and output statements;
Functions (Call by Reference,
Function Overloading Friend and virtual function, inline function , default arguments etc);
Classes and Objects (Built-in and user-defined, private, Public, Protected members);
Constructor and Destructor (With multiple constructor);
Arrays of objects and within class;
Static data members and member functions;
Dynamic and copy constructor;
Operator overloading(Unary ,binary, string);
Different types of inheritance(with access specifies);
Virtual base class;
Pointers(this, reference,....), Polymorphism, Dynamic binding ;
File processing (Create, read, write and update files sequential access and random access file processing);
Development of Integrated software using multiple C++ feature ;
Some problems on Numerical Analysis(Solution of Linear equation, Iterative method of root
finding, Least square curve fitting, etc).

CSE-213 Operating System
Definition OS, Mainframe, Desktop systems, Multiprocessor systems, Distributed systems,
Clustered systems, Real-time systems, Handheld systems, Computing environments.

OS Structures:
System components, OS services, system calls, system programs, system structure, virtual
machines, system design and implementation

Process concept, Process static, Process control block, threads, Process scheduling, operation
on processes, cooperating Processes, interprocesses communication, Communication in
client-server system, Threads;

CPU scheduling:
Basic concepts, CPU-I/O bust cycle , CPU scheduler, preemptive scheduling, dispatcher,
scheduling criteria, Scheduling algorithms, multiple-processor scheduling, real-time scheduling,
algorithm evaluation, process scheduling models: ex-windows 2000, Linux

Process Synchronization:
Background Process Synchronization, critical section problem, semaphore, classical problems of
synchronization, critical regions, OS Synchronization, Atomic transaction

System model , Dead Lock characterization, Methods for handling Deadlock, Deadlock Avoidance,
Dead Lock Detection, Recovery from Dead lock

Memory Management:
Background: Address binding, Logical vs. physical Address Space, Dynamic Loading, Dynamic
Linking and Shared Libraries, Overlays, Swapping, Contigious Memory Allocation, Paging,
Segmentation, Segmentation with paging.

Virtual Memory :
Background of Virtually Memory (VM) Demand paging, process Creation, Page Replacement:
Different Page, Replacement Algorithms, Thrashing: Working Set Model, Page-Fault Frequency

File Concept:
File Attributes, File Operations, File Types , File Structure, File Access Methods, Directory Structure,
File system mounting, File sharing, File protection

File System Implementation:
File System Structure, File System Implementation, Overview, Partitions and Mounting Virtual File
systems, Directory Implementation, Allocation Methods, Free-Space Management, Recovery:
Consistency Checking, Backup and Restore Long Structure File System.

Reference Books:
Silberschatz, Galvin, Peterson, Operating system Concepts, sixth Edition.
A.S. Tanenbaum, OS , Prentice Hall.
P.B. Hausen, OS Concepts, Prentice Hall.
S.Madnick and J.Donovon,OS, McGraw Hill.

CSE-214 Digital Logic Design
Introductory concept,
number systems and codes, Boolean algebra,
De Morgan’s theorems,
logic gates and their truth tables,
combination logic circuits,
karnaugh map method,
digital arithmetic,
operations and circuits,
and demultiplexer,
Flip flop and related devices,
race around problems,
Asynchronous and synchronous counters and their applications,
MSI logic circuits,
interfacing with analog word: D/A converter circuitry, A/D converter circuitry.

Reference Books:
Ronald J. Tocci & Neal S. Widmer, Digital Systems Principal and Application.
R P Jain, Modern Digital Electronics.
William I, Fletcher, An Engineering Approach to Digital Design.
M. Morris Mano, Digital Logic and Computer Design.

CSE-215 Digital Logic Design Practical
Laboratory works based on CSE-214
Minimize and Implementation of Boolean Functions Using Logic Gates,
Design Half Adder and Full Adder,
Design Half Subtractor and Full Subtractor ,
Verify the truth Table o S-R, T,D Flip Flop,
Verify the Truth Table of J-K,
Prepare Different Type Shift Resister and Check Its Operation,
Design Synchronous Counter,
Design Asynchronous Counter,
Design Ripple Counter,
Design Johnson and Ring Counter,
Verify the Operation of Encoder and Decoder,
Verify the Operation of Multiplexer,
Verify the Operation of D/A and A/D Converter.

CSE-216 Mathematics for CSE
Theory of Matrices:
Types of matrices ( Creditary, hermitian , symmetric etc.); Determinant of a square matrix;
Equivalence, Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix, Linear equations; The characteristic roots
and the characteristic equation of a matrix; Liner transformation. Similarity transformation.

Vector Algebra :
Scalars and vectors, equality of vectors; Addition and subtraction of vectors, Multiplication of vectors
by scalars; scalar and vector produdct of two vectors and their geometrical interpretations; triple
products and multiple products; linear dependence and independence of vectors.

Vector Calculus:
Differentiations and integration of vectors together with elementary applications; Definition of line,
surface and volume integrals; Gradient, divergence and curl of point functions, various formula,
Gauss’s theorem, Stock’s theorem, Green’s theorem.

Fourier analysis:
Real and Complex form of Fourier series: Finite transform; Fourier Integral: Fourier transforms and
their uses in solving boundary value problems of wave equations.

Lap lace Transform:
Definition; Lap lace transforms of some elementary functions; sufficient conditions for existence of
Lap lace transforms; Inverse Lap lace transforms; Lap lace transforms of derivatives. The unit step
function; Periodic function; Some special theorems on Lap lace transforms; Partial fraction;
Solutions of differential equations by Lap lace transforms; Evaluation of important integrals.

Reference Books:
Md. Abdur Rahman, Mathematical Methods.
A.R. Vasishtha, Matrices.
Khosh Mohammad, Vector analysis.

CSE-217 Electronic Devices and Circuits
Semiconductor Diodes:
Semiconductor Materials, Energy levels, Intrinsic Materials –n-Type and p-Type, Semiconductor
Diode, Ideal Diode, Diode Equivalent Circuit, Transition and Diffusion Capacitance.

Diode Application:
Sinusoidal Inputs: Half Wave Rectification. Full Wave Rectification, Clippers, Clampers, Zener
Diode, LED

Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT):
Transistor Construction, Transistor Operation, Common –Base Configuration, Transistor Amplifying
Action, Common Emitter Configuration, Common Collector Configuration, Limits of Operation

DC Biasing- BJTs:
Operating Point, Fixed Biased Circuit, Voltage-Divider Bias. DC Bias with Voltage Feedback,
Miscellaneous Bias Configuration, Bias Stabilization.

Field Effect Transistor (FET):
Construction and Characteristics of JEFT, Transfer Characteristics, Depletion Type MOSFET,
Enhancement Type MOSFET

FET Biasing:
Fixed- Biased Configuration, Self-Bias Configuration, Voltage –Divider Biasing BJT Transistor
Modeling: Amplification in the Ac Domain, The Hybrid Equivalent Model, Graphical Determination of

Operational Amplifiers:
Differential and Common Mode Operation, Op –amp Basics. Practical Op-amp Circuit, Op-amp
Specifications-DC Offset Parameters, Op-amp Specifications Frequency Parameters, Op-amp Unit

Op-amp Application:
Voltage Summing, Voltage Buffer, Instrumentations Circuit, Active Filters.

Feedback and Oscillator Circuits:
Feedback Concepts, Feedback Connection Type, Practical Feedback Circuit , Feedback Amplifier-
Phase and Frequency Consideration, Oscillator Operation , Phase-Shift Oscillator, Wien –Bridge
Oscillator, Crystal Oscillator Other semi-conductor devices: Thermistors, Tunnel diode, LED &
GUNN diode, Photo detectors

Integrated Circuits:
Integrated circuit technology, Basic monolithic integrated circuits, Epitaxial Growth, Masking and
Etching, Diffusion of Impurities , Transistors for monolithic circuits, Monolithic diodes, Integrated
resistors, Integrated capacitors and inductors.

Reference Books:
Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Device And Circuit Theory, Sixth Edition.
Albert Paul Malvino, Electronic And Circuits.
Abraham Bell, Electronic Devices And Circuit.

CSE-218 Electronic Devices and Circuits Practical
Laboratory works based on CSE-217
I-V Characteristics of diode,
Input and Output Characteristics of BJT: Common-Base Configuration(CB), Common Emitter
Configuration(CE), Common Collector Configuration(CC),
I-V Characteristic of Zener diode.

CSE-219 Basic Accounting
Definition of Accounting, its role and functions, various images of Accounting, Users of Accounting
information, history of Accounting, generally accepted accounting principles, distinction between
Book keeping and Accounting, relationship of Accounting with other disciplines, ethical issues, and
the accounting profession.

The Recording Process:
Business transactions, steps in the recording process, the accounting equation, the account, the
roles of debit and credit, the journal and the ledger, subsidiary ledgers and special journals, the trial
Accounting for Merchandising Operations:
Merchandising operations, Merchandising transactions, Recording of merchandising purchases and
sales under perpetual and periodic inventory systems.
The Adjustment Process:
Accounting period, accrual vs. cash basis of Accounting, revenues (income) and expenses, types of
adjusting entries, preparing and posting of closing entries, preparing the adjusted trial balance,
preparation of classified income statement and the balance sheet.

Meaning, objects, nature, rules for the preparation of worksheet and preparation of worksheet-8-
column and 10-column.
Preparation of Financial Statements:
Single and multiple-step income statements, Owner’s equity statement, Classified balance sheet,
Cash flow statement.
Rectification of Errors:
Meaning; Types of Errors; Rectification of errors before preparation of trial balance; after preparation
of trial balance; after preparation of financial statements and errors detected in the next accounting
Control of Cash:
Internal control, controlling cash, the bank checking account, petty cash funds, bank reconciliation
Accounting Information System:
Basic concepts, principles of Accounting information systems, developing Accounting system,
mechanized accounting systems.
Reference Books:
Harman, Edwards and Maher, Accounting A business perspective, Latest edition.
Md. Hafiz Uddin, Basic Accounting (English version), Latest edition, The Angel Publications.

2nd Year 4th Semester :

CSE- 221 Algorithm Design
Introduction to algorithm:
Analysis of algorithm, design of algorithm, mathematical foundation of algorithm, asymptotic
notation, summation, recurrence, set etc.
Divide and Conquer:
General method, Binary search, Finding the Maximum and Minimum, Quick sort, Selection.

The Greedy Method:
General method, Knapsack problem, Minimum cost spanning trees, Single source shortest path.

Dynamic Programming:
General method, Multistage Graphs, All pairs shortest path, Single Source shortest path, Knapsack
problem, Optimal Binary search trees, Traveling salesperson.
Basic Traversal & Search Techniques:
Techniques for binary trees, Technique for graphs.
General method, the 8-Queens problem, Sum of subsets, Graph coloring.
Branch and Bound:
the method, 0/1 Knapsack problem, Traveling Salesperson.
Reference Books:
Sartaj Sahni, Fundamentals of Computer Algorithm.
R.G.Dromey, How to solve it by computer.
Robert L.kruse ,Data Structure & Programming Design.

CSE-222 Algorithm Design practical
Laboratory works based on CSE-221
Divide and Conquer:
Binary search, Finding the Maximum and Minimum.
Performance measurement using time function:
Quick sort and Marge sort, Marge sort bubble sort, Quick sort and heap sort.
The Greedy Method:
Knapsack problem, Minimum cost spanning trees, Prims algorithm, Single source shortest path
Dynamic Programming:
All pairs shortest path, Knapsack problem, The traveling salesperson.
General method, The 8-Queens problem, Graph coloring Problem.

CSE-223 Database Management System
Database system concept, Purpose of Database system, View of data, Data abstraction, Data
models, Relational model, Network model, Hierarchical model, Database language, DDL, DML,
conventional file processing, Transaction management, Storage management, Database
administration, Database users, Overall system structure. (1)
Database model:
Entity-Relationship model Attributes. Mapping Cardinalities, Existence Dependencies, Weak entity
set & Strong entity set, Relational model and its language (Relational algebra and SQL).
Database Design:
Decomposition, Normalization, Object-oriented Database, Centralized system, Distributed Database,
Data fragmentation, Parallel Database. I
ntegrity Constraints:
Domain constraints, Referential constraints, Functional dependencies.
Basic concept, Ordered index, Primary index, Dense index and sparse index, Multilevel index,
Secondary index.
Reference Books:
Abrahum Silberschatz Henry F.Korth S.Sundarshan, Database system concept ( 4th Edition).

CSE-224 Database Management System Practical
Laboratory works based on CSE-223
Design and Create database,
Insert/Delete records in each table,
Design MASTER FORM with menus,
Do the different queries, Report design,
Different PL/SQL problems.

CSE-225 Computer Organization and Architecture
Organization and architecture, Instruction sets-formats, cycle, timing etc: Addressing mode,
Types of Instruction, RISC characteristics, CISC characteristics.
Computer system:
System Buses, Components, Functions, Bus interconnection.
Computer Arithmetic:
Different types of data representation, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication Algorithm, Division
Memory Organization:
Main memory, Auxiliary memory, Associative memory, Cache memory, virtual memory, Memory
management requirements and hardware.
Input-Output Organization:
Input-Output Interface, data transfer, Interrupts, Direct memory access (DMA), Input-Output channel.

Central Processing Unit (CPU):
Control Unit Operation, Micro-Operation, Control of processor, Hardwired implementation.
Fundamentals of Parallel Processing:
Parallel processing, pipelining, Vector processing, Multiprocessor, Array processor, Bit-slice
processor Interconnection structure.
Reference Books:
William stallings, computer Organization and Architecture.
V. Hamcher, Z. Vranesic and S.Zaky, Computer Organization.
J. P Hayes, computer Architecture and Organization.
Dr. M. Rafiquzzaman , Fundamentals of Computer System Architecture.

CSE-226 Data Communications
Data communication networks standards, Communication architecture and protocol.
Data Transmission:
Analog and digital data, Spectrum and Bandwidth, Transmission impairments, Channel capacity,
transmission media, Coaxial cable, twisted pair, Fiber optics, Wireless transmission,
Electromagnetic spectrum, Radio, Microwave, infra red, Cellular and satellite.
Data Encoding:
Digital data digital signaling, NRZI, NRZI, Bipolar AMI, Manchester and differential Manchester
encoding, Digital data and analog signaling, ASK, FSK, PSK &QPSK and their performance,
Analog data and digital signaling, PCM.
Data communication Techniques:
Asynchronous and synchronous transmission, CRC Method, RS232 (or EIA 232D),
V2.4 interface standard.
Data Link Control:
Flow control, Error detection- parity and CRC, Error control (Stop and wait, Go back NARQ,
Selective Reject ARQ), HDLC, Other data link control protocols.
Frequency division Multiplexing, synchronous time division, Multiplexing, Statistical time division
Multiplexing. Circuit Switching & Packet Switching: Space division and Time division Multiplexing,
Switching networks, Circuit switching networks, Circuit switching concepts, Packet switching
principle, Virtual circuit, datagram.
Reference Books:
Bchrouz A. Forouzan, Data Communication and Networking.
W Stallings,Data and Computer Communication.

GED-227 Economics
Definition, Micro economics, Positive Vs normative economics, the basics problems of economic
organization, Production possibility frontier.
Supply and Demand:
Concepts of supply and demand and determinants, Markets equilibrium and shifts of market
equilibrium, Concepts and measurements of various elasticitis of demand and supply.
The Theory of Consumer Behavior:
Utility-total and marginal utility, Cardinal & Ordinal utility, Law of diminishing marginal utility.
Theory of Production:
Production function, Fixed Vs Variable factors of production, Short run and long run, Total average
and marginal product, The law of diminishing returns, Returns to scale, Technological change.
Theory of Cost and Revenues:
Short and Long run cost function, Implicit and opportunity cost, Fixed and variable cost, Total
average and marginal cost, Envelope curves, Marginal product and least cost rule, Profit maximizing
Perfect competition and monopoly, Short and Long run equilibrium of firm and industry, Profit
maximizing, Shut down condition, Resource allocation and economic efficiency.
Macro Economic Overview:
Fundamental concepts of macroeconomics, Aggregate demand and aggregate supply.
National Income Accounting:
Circular flow of income, Different concept of national income-GNP, GDP, NNP, NI at factor price,
Market price and constant price, Personal income, Disposable income, Real and nominal GDP, Net
economics welfare (NEW), The CPI & the GDP Deflator, The methods and problems of computing
national income.
Consumption and Saving Function:
Concepts of MPC, APC, MPS, APS, Short run and long run view-Kuznet’s puzzle.
Investment Function:
Determinates of investment, Concept of MEC, Present value theorem.
The Classical and Keynesian Theory:
Determination of income and employment, Inflationary and deflationary gaps and measures
to bridge the gap, Theory of multiplier and accelerator.
Reference Books:
Samuelson & nordhaus, W, Economics.
Leftwitch , The price system & Resurce Allocation.
Bilsa, Microeconomics theory.
Koutsoyiannis, Modern Micro-economics.
Dornburg & Mc Dougall, Macro-economics.
Swenburg & Mc Dougall , Macro-economics.
Domwnick Salvatory , Micro-economics.
Eugene Diulio , Macro-economics.

3rd Year 5th Semester :

CSE-311 Theory of Computation
Language theory;
Finite automata;
deterministic finite automata nondeterministic finite automata, equivalence and conversion of
deterministic and nondeterministic finite automata, pushdown automata;
context free language;
context free grammars;
Turing Machines;
basic machines, configuration, computing with turning machine;

Reference Books:
Hopcroft and Uiiman, introduction to Automata theory, Language and Computations.
Adamek, Automata and Algebras.

CSE-312 Microprocessor and Assembly Language
Evolution of microprocessors, register base and accumulator based microprocessor, programmable
logic devices; main memory array design, memory management concepts, input/output techniques,
internal architecture of microprocessor: 8085, 8086, addressing mode, instruction format, instruction
set, pin configuration and function, maximum/minimum mode, read/write cycle, memory bank,
interrupt and interrupt handling, interrupt controller, DMA.

Advanced microprocessors:
Internal architecture, memory management; protection, an overview of Intel 80 1 86, 80286, 80386,
80486, Pentium microprocessors, RISC processor, coprocessor, Alpha processor.
Assembly Language:
programming with 8086 instruction, conditional and unconditional jump, string instruction, stacks
operation, procedure, reentrant and recursive procedure, macro.
Reference Books:
D. V Hall, microprocessors and interfacing. McGro-hill, 1987.
M.Rafiquzzaman, Microprocessors and Microprocessor based system design.
Y.Liu and G.A. Ginson, Micomputer system: 8086/8088 family.

CSE-313 Assembly Language Practical
Laboratory works based on CSE-312
Display message (n) times in different line; simple arithmetic operation; Convert a lowercase letter
to an uppercase latter and vice versa; Display all alphabet characters;

Input two number, compare them and display the smaller one and vice versa; accept a string from
keyboard and display the string in reverse order; Find the largest element from an array and vice
versa; perform bubble sort; display first ten numbers by Fibonacci series; calculate sum and average
of few numbers; Convert hexadecimal number to binary equivalent; If a character is “Y”, Display it,
otherwise terminate; calculate the following expression=M+N-P+1 (Using Subroutine); Calculate
following operation: if x>y then (M/N)+P else (M-N)*P; (IF-ELSE Statement).

Reference Books:
Marut , Assembly Language Programming .
Richard C. Detmer, Assembly Language Programming.
Vanugopal , Assembly Language Programming.
Alan R. Miller , Techniques for the IBM PC.

CSE-314 Engineering Mathematics
Series Solution of Differential Equation:
Power series method, theory of power series method, Legendre’s equation, polynomials, Bessel’s
functions. Strum – Liouville problems, Orthogonal function, Orthogonal Eigenfunction Expretions.
Complex number and function:
Complex numbers, complex plane, Poler form of complex number, powers and roots, Derivative
Analytic function, Cauchy- Riemann equation. Geometry of analytical function; Conformal mapping,
Exponential function, Trigonometric function, Hyperbolic function, Liner fractional transformational.

Complex Integration:
Line integral in the complex plane, Cauchy’s integral theorem, Cauchy;s integral formula,
derivatives of analytical functions.
Power series, Taylor series:
Sequence, Convergence test, power series, function given by power series, Taylor series and
maclaurin series, uniform convergence, optional.
Laurent Series, Residue Integration:
Laurent series, singularities and Zeros, Infinity, Residue Integration method, Evaluation of real
Reference Books:
Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathmatics.

CSE-315 Sociology
Sociological perspective:
Definition, nature, scope and importance of sociology.
Sociology and Scientific Approaches:
Method of social research, stages of social research, primary concept of sociology, society,
community, association, institution, group.
Social Evaluation:
Stage in the evolution of human civilization. Culture:- Definition, characteristics, culture content
(material and non-material), cultural lag, culture and civilization.
Industrial Revolution:
The growth of capitalism, feature and social consequences, socialism.
Social Organization:
Family, forms and function of family, function of family in modern industrial society, marriage,
forms of marriage, function of marriage.
Social Stratification:
main types of social stratification- slavery-caste and social class and status, social stratification
and social mobility.
Social Control:
Religion and morality, custom and public opinion, taboo-low, state and education.

Social change:
Change evolution-progress-development, factors in social change.
Society and population:
Human migration, population and resources.
Some current social problem:
Crime, deviance, juvenile, delinquency, youth unrest.
Technology and society:
Effects of technological factors on social life.
Reference Books:
Metta Spencer and Alex Inkless, Foundation of modern society.
Young, P, V , Scientific social survey and researce.
Ogburn and Nimkoff, A Hand book of sociology.
Fairrchild Little Field, Henry Pratt- Dictionary of Sociology and related sciences.
Giddings F. H, Element of sociology.

GED-316 Technical Writing & Communications
Communication in the workplace:
Definition, Scope, Role, Principle, Function, and Objective.
The processes of human communication:
Definition, Steps, Feedback.
Adaptation and the selection of words:
The basic need for adaptation, Suggestion for selecting words, suggestion for nondiscriminatory
Construction of clear sentence and paragraph:
The basic need for adaptation, Suggestion for selecting words, suggestion for nondiscriminatory
Writing for effect:
Business etiquette and the need for effect conversational style, you-viewpoint, accent on positive
language courtesy, the role of emphasis, coherence.
Directness in Good news:
The process of writing, Routine Inquiries.
Indirectness in Bad– News Message:
Situation report indirectness, Refused request, Adjustment refusal, other indirect messages.
Strategic in the job search process:
The job search, Preparing the application documents, Construction the traditional resume,
Constructing the electronic resume, Writing the application letter, Handling the interview.
Modern device in communication/ Electronic communication/ Technology in modern communication:
Meaning, Media, Advantage, Disadvantage, Internet, E-mail, Teleconferencing, Multimedia.
Basic of Report writing:
Definition report, Determining the report purpose, Determining the factors, Gathering the
information needed, interpreting the findings, Organization the report information, Writing
the report, Collaborative report writing.
Long, Formal report:
Organization and content of the longer report, the prefatory parts, The report proper, Structural
coherence helper.
Reference Books:
Lesiker, Pettit, Flatley, Business Communication.
Betty & key, Business communication system and application.
Raymond V. Lesiker, Bain computer.

3rd Year 6th Semester :

CSE-321 Software Engineering
Software Engineering Paradigms:
Definition of S/W, The classical life cycle, Prototyping fourth generation technique, The product and
the process model, General view of software engineering, Boehm’s spiral model, Measurement and
Requirements Analysis Fundamentals:
Analysis principle, Feasibility study, Software prototyping specification, Requirement analysis
methodologies, Structured and object oriented analysis, Data flow oriented analysis methods.
Software Design Fundamentals :
Design process, Design fundamentals, S/W architecture, Program structure, Data structure, S/W
procedure, Modularity, Abstraction, Effective modular design, Procedural design, Data flow
oriented design, Top-down and bottom –up design, Design process considerations, Transform
analysis, Transaction analysis, Data structure oriented design, Logic construction of programs
and systems, Data structured systems development, Object oriented design, Design concepts,
Methods, Strategy, Real time design, Coding style, Code document, Data declaration, Statement
construction, Input/output, Software reliability.
Software Testing Techniques and Strategies:
Software testing method, Testing fundamentals & strategies, White box testing, Basis path testing,
Loop testing, Black box testing, Verification and validation, Organization for software testing, Defect
testing, Integration testing, Validation testing, System testing, The art of debugging.
Software Management and Maintenance Technique:
Maintenance process, System documentation, Maintenance cost, Configuration management &
planning, Change management, Person & release management, Software cost estimation
technique, Algorithmic cost modeling, The COCOMO model, Software quality assurance & activities,
McCall’s quality factor, Software reuse, Software re-engineering, Computer Aided Software
Engineering (CASE) tool.
Reference Books:
Lan Sommerville, Software Engineering.
Roger S. Presssman, Software Engineering.
Martin L. Shoman, Software Engineering.

CSE-322 Software Engineering Practical
Laboratory works based on CSE-321
A student has to perform one of the following computer based systems: Student information
system, Admission processing system, Employee information system, Payroll management
system, Result processing system, Library management system.

It is further mentioned that a student can propose any other system, which is relevant with this

CSE-323 Numerical Analysis
Numerical solution of polynomials:
General algebraic equation, integration.
Numerical solution of simultaneous linear equation:
Matrix operations, least-squares curve flitting techniques, interpolation polynomials.
Numerical solution of ordinary differential equation:
Euler method, Multi-step methods, Adams-Moulton, Adams-Bash forth method, Predictor-corrector
scheme, Runge-kutta methods, Stiffness, Error estimation and step size control, Detailed error
analysis of several techniques, Root finding for non-linear equations, Numerical methods for initial
value problems for ordinary differential equations.
Direct methods for systems of linear equations:
Gaussian Elimination interpreted as matrix factorization, Pivoting strategies, techniques for special
classes of matrices.
Iterative techniques for systems of linear equations:
Jacobi and Gauss-Scidel iteration, their analysis via matrix and vector norms, the spectral radius
of a matrix Eigenvalue problems for matrices illustrative programming projects and use of computer
to implement the projects.
Reference Books:
J.H.Mathews, Numerical Methods for Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics, Prentice-
Hall, 1987.
B.Irons and N.G. Shrive, Numerical Methods in Engineering and Applies Science, Ellis Harwood,
I. Jacques and C.Judd, Numerical Analysis,Chapman and Hall, 1987.
M.J.Marron, Numerical Analysis: A practical approach, Macmillan, 1987.

CSE-324 Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Graphics Input, Storage Output and Communications:
Graphics input, storage, communication devices, common display devices, raster scan CRT.
Scan Conversion:
Scan converting a point, Line, Circle, Ellipse, Areas, Rectangle, Region filling, Side effects of scan
conversion. Two dimensional and Three dimensional Graphics Transformation: Geometric
Transformations, Co-ordinate Transformations, Composite Transformations, and instance
Two dimensional and three dimensional Viewing and Clipping:
Viewing Transformations, Clipping Algorithms. Mathematics of Projection: Perspective projection,
Parallel projection.
Geometric representations:
Wire frame model, Curve design, Interpolation and Approximation.
Hidden Surfaces:
Depth comparisons, Z-Buffer algorithm, The Painter’s algorithm, Scan line algorithm.
Introduction to Multimedia Systems:
Interactive and non-interactive multimedia, temporal media and non-temporal media, Hypertext,
Hypermedia, MPC Level -1, MPC Level -2, Quick time.
Image, Types and applications, Image Capture, Text conversion, Vectorization, Image compression,
Encoding, Standards for encoding images, JPEG.
Audio capture, Compression methods, MIDI, Digital audio, Sampling rate, Sampling size, MPEG-1,
TV screen, Monitor, Video capturing technique, Broadcast TV standards, Video standards, Video
compression, Coding of real time video, Analog video signal formats, Animation classification and
Storage for multimedia:
Choice of storage, Storage types, Compact disk specification, CD-DA, CD-ROM, CD-I.
Multimedia Project:
Project Design concept, Media content design and Development, Interface design and Development
process, Multimedia team.
Reference Books:
Schum’s Outlines series, Computer graphics .
Foley, Vandam, Computer graphics principal and practice .
Steven and Harrington, Computer graphics: a programming approach .
Judith Jeffcoate, Multimedia in Practice .
S.Gokul Multimedia Magic.
Environments and framework, Simon J.Gibbs Multimedia Programming Objects .
N.Sessagiri and Aram Akopov ,Multimedia Computers and Communications .
Jakie Neider, Tom David, Dave Shiner, Open GL® 1, 2 Programming Guide, Mason woo .

CSE-325 Computer Graphics and Multimedia Practical
Laboratory works based on CSE-324
Scan Convention Lines,
Scan converting Circles,
Scan Converting Ellipse,
Filling Rectangles,
Filling Polygons,
Filling Ellipse Areas,
Pattern Filling,
Clipping Lines,
Clipping Circles and Ellipses,
Clipping Polygons 2D Transformation,
the window to View port Transformation.

Computer Graphics Programming: Open GL.

CSE-326 Compiler Design
Introduction to compiler:
Compiler, Analysis of the source Program, the phases of compiler, of the compiler, compiler
construction tools.
A simple one pass compiler:
Syntax definition, CFG, parse tree, ambiguity, associatively of operators, lexical analysis.
Lexical analysis:
the role of the lexical analyzer, input buffering, specification tokens, finite automaton,
Thompson’s construction, conversion of regular expression to DFA.
Basic parsing technique:
Parser Bottom-up parsing, operator precedence parsing, operator precedence grammar,
Top down parsing, Predictive parsing, LLI grammar, I.R parser (SLR.LALR).
Syntax Directed Translation:
Syntax Directed Definition, Construction of Syntax tree L-Attributed definition.
Run-time Environment:
Activation tree, Storage organization, Storage allocation strategies, parameter passing, symbol
Intermediate code generation:
Intermediate languages, three address code, Boolean expression, back patching.
Code generation:
Issues in the design of a code generator. Target machine, basic block flow graph,
code generator algorithm, DAG, peephole optimization.
Code optimization:
Function preserving optimization, optimization of basic block loop optimization.
Error detection:
Reporting errors, Sources of error, syntactic error, semantic error, dynamic error, plan of
error diction.
Reference Books:
Alfred V.Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffery D.Ullman, Compilers. Techniques and tools.
Alfred V.Aho, Jeffery D.Ullman, Principles of Compiler Design.
A.J Holub, Compiler Design in C.

CSE-327 Compiler Design Practical
Laboratory works based on CSE-326
Lex specification to recognize the following verb: am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been, do,
does, did, will, would, should, can, could, have, has, had, go.

Lex specification to recognize the following words as different parts of speech: is, am, are, were,
go, very, simply, quickly, gently, to, from, behind, between, if, then.

Lex specification to recognize different keyword, Lex specification to recognize the identifier, Lex
specification to recognize real numbers, Lex specification to recognize integer, Lex specification to
recognize float, Lex specification to recognize for the positive and negative integer and float number,
Lex specification to recognize different punctuation symbol, Lex specification to recognize digit, Lex
specification to eat up comments, Lex program to find out user name, Lex program to recognize
different types of operator, Checking the validity of an arithmetic expression using CFG. Converting
Regular Grammar into Regular expression, parsing any string using a CFG.

CSE-328 System Analysis and Design
The systems Development Environment:
Introduction – A modern approach to systems analysis and design, year role and other
organizational responsibilities in systems development types of information systems and systems
development, Developing information systems and the systems development life cycle.

Succeeding as a systems analyst, acquiring the techniques of the systems analyst, automated tools
for systems development prototyping, reusable code CASE tools, Visual and emerging development
tools-object oriented development tools, visual development tools, evolution and future of
development tools.

Fundamental principles of systems analysis, the preliminary investigation phase, determining
systems requirements, traditional methods for determining requirements, modern methods for
determining systems requirements, feasibility study, structuring system requirements- process
modeling, data flow diagramming, logic modeling with structured English, decision trees, Decision
tables, Data dictionary , Process descriptions, conceptual data modeling.
The design phase:
the logical representation of data, design of physical files and database, design principles and output
design, input design, designing forms and reports, designing database, designing the internals-
Program and process, Designing distributed systems.
System Development and Implementation:
Program and process design, Verification and validation, methods of errors checking a testing,
installation-Direct, parallel single location, phased and planning.
System maintenance:
Documentation, maintenance information system, the process of maintaining information systems,
the process of maintaining information systems, Types of maintenance, managing maintenance,
documentation the system-user document, Programmer document and operational document.
Reference Books:
Jeffrey A. Hoffer etc all, Pearson education Asia,Modern systems analysis & design , 3rd edition,
Shin Yen Wu, Systems Analysis and Design, West Publishing Company, 1994.
Steven A Benjamin/Cummings , Information System: A Management Perspective, 2nd Edition .
J Burch and G Grundnitski , Information Systems: Theory and Practice, 5th Edition.

4th Year 7th Semester :

CSE-411 Computer Network
Basic computer network concept; Network structure; Network software; Reference model;
Example network; OSI Model, TCP/IP Model, X.25 Network.
Frame Relay:
Introduction to frame relay, Advantages and disadvantages, role of frame relay, frame relay
operations, virtual circuits, DLCIs inside the network, frame relay layers; physical layer, data link
ATM Network:
Packet networks, mixed network traffic, cell networks, asynchronous TDM, virtual connection,
identifiers, cell, connection establishment and release, Application Adoptions Layer(AAL), ATM
layers, Physical layer, ATM WANs, ATM LANs.
Medium Access sub-layer:
Multiple Access Protocols: ALOHA; CSMA/CD Protocol; Collision-Free protocols; CDMA Limited
connection protocol; Wavelength division multiple access protocols; Wireless LANs, Mobile
telephony and Satellite Networks.
Network Layer:
Network layer design issues; Routing algorithms; Congestion control Algorithms; Inter networking;
Network layer in the internet; IPv4 and introduction to IPv6.
Transport Layer:
The transport service; Elements of transport protocols; The internet transport protocols; The ATM
AAL layer protocols; Optical Fiber Network: SONET and SDH.
Application Layer:
Network security; DNS-Domain Name system; SNMP; Simple Network Management protocol;
Electronic Mail; The World Wide Web; Multimedia.
Reference Books:
Tannenbaum, Computer Networks.
W.Stallings, Data & Computer Communication.
Behrouz & Forouzen, Data Communication & Networking.

CSE-412 Computer Network Practical
Laboratory works based on CSE-411
Overall Concept about network, Configure TCP/IP, Different protocol and net card, DHCP
server/client configuration, Introduction to DNS, DNS server configuration, use of DNS testing utility,
Caching only DNS server configuration, canonical name implementation, Introduction to electronic
mail system configuration, configure to ISP online mail, configure SMTP, POP, testing and
debugging, e-mail account splitting, virtual hasting, IMP and POP setup, WINS configuration,
apache web server

configuration, apache core active and apache module, web based mail configuration, apache core
active and apache module, web based mail configuration using open web mail, IP based virtual web
hosting, name based virtual web hosting , testing and debugging and log file analysis , squid proxy
server configuration, understanding of different squid tag FTP configuration.

CSE-413 Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network
What is AI, Intelligence agents.
Problem Solving by Searching:
Blind search, Informed search, Depth first, breadth first, depth limited, Iterative deepening,
bi-directional, best first, heuristics search, A search, Hill climbing search, Simulated annealing
search, Genetic Algorithm.
Knowledge representation, First-order logic, PL, FOPL, WFFs, Fuzzy Logic.
Neural Network:
ANN, Perceptron, Learning, Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforcement learning, Back Propagation.
Reference Books:
Stuart Russel & Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach.
Stamations V Katalopoulos, Understanding Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic.
Barr and Feigenbaum, Handbook of Artificial Intelligence Vol.I, William Kaufmann.
Iven Bratko, Programming for Artificial Intelligence.

CSE-414 Parallel and Distributed Processing
Parallel Processing:
Overview- Importance, architecture, hardware and software issues. Architecture for parallels
processing- classification, comparative study of different architectures, Issues in parallel
processing, Parallel Algorithm- Pointer Jumping, Work-efficient, Sorting Networks, Grap
Problems- Connected Components, Shortest Paths Spanning Trees.
Distributed Processing:
Overview- Definition, impact of distributed processing on organizations, pitfalls in distributed
processing, Form of distributed processing- Function distribution, hierarchical distributed systems,
horizontal distributed system.
strategies for distributed data processing, control of complicity, problem of incompatibility,
centralization Vs decentralization, cost a benefit analysis.
Design of distributed data
Distributed data, location of data, multiple copies data, conflict analysis, database management,
distributed database and applications.
Fault Tolerance
Forward and Backward Error Recovery, Voting Protocol, Redundancy Approaches, Operation based
and State Based Approach, Commit Protocols.
Reference Books:
Hwang Kai, Advanced Computer Architecture.
P.K. Sinha,Distributed Operating System.
Tanenbaum, Distributed Operating System.
Coreman, Algorithm.

CSE-415 Peripheral and Interfacing
Interfacing techniques:
Interfacing for Memory; Communication system; System overhead(DMA and Programmed data
transfer); I/O ports and Control; Parallel and Serial Interfacing devices; Timing considerations;
Noise considerations; Application of PPI, PIC, DMAC, PCI etc.
Digital Interfacing:
Programmable Parallel ports and handshake input/output(IC 8255), Interfacing a Microprocessor
to keyboards, X-lat, Display-Alphanumeric and multiplexed LED (Interfacing with IC 7447), Relay,
Stepper motor, Incremental Encoder, Optical motor shaft encoder.
Modern data-entry devices:
Scanners overview, Bar code reader, Optical mark reader (OMR), Optical Character Reader (OCR),
Tape Reader, Digitizer, Reading technique, Capacitive Electrostatic scanning digitizer.
Display devices:
CRT, Basic CRT operations, Timing and frequencies, CRT controller ICs, LCD technologies,
Passive and active matrix, LCD reliability, Electroluminescent display.
Impact printers, Serial and line printing, Laser printing, Ink-jet printing, Color printing, Plotters.
Storage devices:
Floppy disk, Floppy disk controller (IC 8272), Magnetic hard disk and controller, Compact disk,
Magnetic tape storage.
Data Communication and Network:
Introduction to asynchronona serial data communication, RS-232 C serial data standard,
USART (IC 8251A) word format, Null Modern configuration, The GPIB, HPIB, IEEE 488 Bus.
Reference Books:
Andrew Hall, Microprocessor and Interfacing.
Barry Wilkinson, Computer Peripheral (Part B).

CSE-416 Peripheral and Interfacing Practical
Laboratory works based on CSE-415
Understand SDK 86 board, write and execute a program in an SDK 86.

Understand RS-232 standard, Connections and Cabling.

Communicate between two Computers using parallel ports (printer port).

Observe and manipulate Null modern Configuration.

Communicate between two Computers using serial ports.

Drive a single 7 segment LED display with 7447.

Understand the basic characteristics of IC 8255.

CSE-417 Digital Signal Processing
Introduction to Digital Signal Processing (DSP):
Introduction, Digital Signal Processing, Sampling and Analog-to-Digital Conversion, Discrete
Time Signals, Ambiguity in Digital Signals, Discrete Time Systems, Application areas for Digital
Signal Processing(DSP), Keys of DSP operations, Convolution, Correlation, Digital Filtering,
Discrete Transformation, Modulation, System Design, Methodology & Implementation Methodology.
Discrete Fourier Transform:
Fourier series, one dimensional Fourier transforms, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and its
properties, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and its algorithm, Inverse discrete Fourier transformation.
The Z-Transform:
Introduction to Z-Transform, General Results of z-transform, Inverse z-transform, Partial Fraction
Expansion, Power series Expansion, Contour Integration, Comparison of inverse z-transform
method, Properties of z-transform, Complex Convolution Theorem and Parse Val’s Relation.
Implementation of Discrete Time Systems:
Introduction , Block Diagram and Signal Flow graph Representation of Digital Networks, Matrix
Representation of Digital Networks, Basic Structures of IIR Systems , Direct Form, Cascade forms,
parallel form, Transposed Forms, Basic Structures of FIR Systems, Finite Precision Effects.
Design of Digital Filters:
Introduction to Digital Filters, Types of Digital Filters, FIR and IIR, Choosing between FIR and IIR
Filters, Digital Filter Design Steps, Design of FIR Filters, Design of FIR Filters by Windowing,
Design of Optimum Equiripple Linear phase FIR Filters, Design of IIR Filters, Classical Continuous
Time Low-pass Filter Approximations, Conversion of Transfer Functions from Continuous to
Discrete Time, Frequency Transformation of Low pass Filters, Adaptive digital filters , Concepts of
adaptive filtering basic wiener filter theory , The basic LMS adaptive algorithm, Recursive least
square algorithm.
Reference Books:
Emmanuel C. Ifeachor, Barrie W.jervis, Digital Signal Processing.
John G. Proakis, Dimitris G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing-Principles, Algorithms and
Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W,Schafer, John R. Buck, Discrete Time Signal Processing.

4th Year 8th Semester :

CSE-421 Web Engineering
Introduction to Web application technology, basic concepts, Client Server architecture,
Web browser and Web servers, WWW, structure of a website, popular websites and their
speciality, basic concepts static and dynamic web sectors, different web problems like Hoaxes,
Spy ware, Viruses and Pop-ups etc.

Brief history of Mark-up languages, HTML and introduction to HTML, basic HTML tags, adding
links to different pages, inserting images, back ground sounds, GIF, Animations, form and form
components, Contact Feed back Forms (Text box, Text fields, Pull down menu, Submit/reset
Button, redirection between Web pages.

CSS, basic concepts of CSS, CSS handlers, creating custom text styles using CSS,
using/calling CSS functions in forms, changing links.

Introduction to Java scripts, Using Basic Java Scripts functions like write line, time, date etc.

Using Simple scripts on different mouse events, changing page Title, Using Java scripts to
design multi-state image links, Pull-down menus, embedding dynamic elements with Java Scripts,
advanced custom tags.

Basic Concepts of Java applet, Building simple applets with images, text and links, supported
platform and browsers, common problems and trouble shooting, Basic concepts of DHTML,
How it uses HTML , Java scripts and CSS components, Texts, links and Image array.

PHP, Supported platforms, basic programming concepts and its dynamism, Simple PHP
scripts to write/read inputs in forms and using in Dynamic forms, Integrating PHP and
My-SQL, Using PHP Forms to manipulate data in the database, Data Validation, Session,
Security, Web application development.

Reference Books:
Chris Lea. Wankyu Choi, Allan kent, Ganesh Prasad, Chris Ullman, Beginning Php 4
(Programmer to Programmer).
Surid Sharkar, CSS/Java Script.
Thomas A. Powell,Web Design Complete Reference.
Sherry Willard Kinkoph, Creating Web Pages with HTML Simplified.
Jennifer Niederst,Web Design in a Nutshell(O’RELLY).

CSE-422 Web Engineering Practical
Laboratory works based on CSE-421
Designing a simple HTML Document to show text (Introduction to , , , Using Different HTML
tags to format Body contents.
Text alignment in table, Introduction to form elements (textbox, checkbox, combo box, etc)
and designing simple Feedback/Contact forms.
Using Java Scripts to create web pages containing custom Welcome message (Date-time).
Using text Links to navigate between different pages, inserting Images and back ground sounds
and using Images as Link.
Using page frames and mouse over links and implementing them in a HTML document.
Using CSS to apply formatting text, forms, tables and link styles.
Using different control statements in Java Scripts to execute simple mathematical expressions
(if-else, Switch-case, for, while, do-while).
Installing Apache, PHP 4/5 and integrating into windows platform, creating PHP documents
with simple tags, installing My-SQL and connection between PHP and My-SQL.
Inserting data into My-SQL database using PHP forms.
Design and develop a Complete Dynamic website with HTML, PHP and My-SQL having
forms also a flexible navigation menu which has links to all available section on the site.
Cryptography and cryptographic algorithms:
Traditional cryptographic algorithms: traditional cryptography, cryptanalysis, Private-key
(symmetric-key) and public-key (asymmetric-key) cryptographic algorithms, DES and block
cipher modes, advanced encryption standard, RSA and other public key cryptosystems,
key management, diffie-Hellman key exchange, Elliptic curve cryptography, cryptography
hash functions, secure hash algorithm, message authentication codes, Digital signatures
and digital signature standard.
Cryptography and network security:
Data-origin authentication and data integrity, Key distribution, management, Kerberos and
X.509 authentication service, certificate authority and public key infrastructure, Email security,
PGP and S/MIME, IP Security, authentication header and ESP, Security associations, Key
management, Web security considerations, secure socket layer and transport layer security,
secure electronic transactions (SET).
Cryptography for antivirus software and password management:
Generic decryption, digital immune system and UNIX password scheme.
Reference Books:
William Stallings,Cryptography and Network Security.
A.Menezes, P.van Oorschot, and S.Vanstone, Hand book of Applied CryptographyCRC Press,

CSE-42X Elective Course
This is an elective course the student should choose one of the elective course in
consultation with head of the department.

CSE-499 Project Work
(Continued from 7th Sem.)

CSE-424 Image Processing
Introduction to image processing:
Representation of image, A basic image processing system, Relationship to human
visual system, Example of fields that use digital image processing.
Digital Image Fundamentals:
Image formation in the eye, Light and electromagnetic spectrum, Image sensing and
acquisition, Image sampling, Image quantization, Some basic relationships between
pixels Neighbors of a pixel, Adjacency, connectivity, region, Boundaries, Distance measures.
Image enhancement:
Some basic gray level transformations, Histogram processing, Histogram equalization, Histogram
matching, Image negatives, log transformation, Power law transformation, Basics of spatial filtering,
Smoothing spatial filters, Homomorphic filtering, Correspondence between the spatial and
frequency domain filtering.
Image Restoration:
A model of the image degradation/ Restoration process, Noise models, Restoration in the
presence of noise only spatial filtering.
Color Image processing:
Color fundamentals, Color models, the RGB color model The CMY, CMYK, color Model,
HIS color Model, Basics of full-color transformation, Color transformations, formulation.
Image Compression:
Image compression fundamentals, Coding redundancy, Inter pixel redundancy. Psycho visual
redundancy, Image compression models, The source encoder and decoder, the channel encoder
and decoder.
Image Segmentation:
Edge detection, line detection, point detection, Boundary Detection, Thresholding, Region
based segmentation.
Reference Books:
Rafael C.Gonzalez, Richard E.Woods, Digital Image Processing.
Anil k.Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing.
M A Sid-Ahmed, Image processing theory, Algorithms and architectures.

CSE-425 VLSI Design
VLSI Design:
Design and analysis techniques for VLSI circuits, Design of reliable VLSI circuits, Noise
consideration, Design and operation of large fan out and fan in circuits, clocking methodologies,
techniques for data path and data control design, Simulation techniques, parallel processing,
Special purpose architectures in VLSI layout partitioning and placement routing and wiring in VLSI,
Reliability aspects of VLSI design, Graph based VLSI Design, Multilevel VLSI circuit, Multiple
Valued VLSI circuit.
Reference Books:
Douglas A. Pucknell, KAMRAN Esharaghiam, Pentic, Basic VLSI Design system and
Circuits,Second Edition.
Wayne Wolf, Modern VLSI Design .

CSE-426 Simulation and Modeling
Concept of system:
System components, continuous and discrete systems.
System modeling:
Types of models, static and dynamic models, physical and mathematical models, continuous and
discrete models, Principles used in system modeling, Study if system model, system design, system
model analysis and postulation.
System Dynamics:
Need for simulation, types of simulation, techniques of simulation, Comparison of simulated and
analytical methods, Continuous system simulation, Differential equation model.
Exponential growth models and decay models, generalization of growth models, System dynamics
diagrams, Multi-sigment models, representation of time delay, Probability concepts in simulation,
Stochastle variable, discrete and continuous probability functions, Generations of random numbers,
Generating discrete distributions, Non-uniform continuously distributed random numbers, Rejection
Discrete System Simulation:
Discrete event simulation, activity simulation, representation of time, generation of arrival patterns,
entities, resources, queues, Measure of queues and mathematical solution of queuing problems.

Discrete simulation languages:
General Purpose simulation, system language (GPSS) and SIMSCRIPT.
Reference Books:
Geoffery Grodon, Prentice Hall, System Simulation.
Banks J and Carson JS, Prentice Hall,Discrete-event System Simulation .
Prentice Hall, Simulation Modeling with Pascal.
Narsing deo, System Simulation with digital computer .

CSE-427 E-Commerce
An overview, traditional and electronic business transactions, types of e-commerce, benefits of
Security and e-commerce:
Review of private key and public key enery operations, Comparison of eneryption method,
Digital signatures and certificates, Overview of literate security systems.
Handling money on the net:
Transactions on the internet, requirements for payment systems, types and tools for
electronics payment, electronic data interchange and components of EDI system.
Consumer and Business Markets:
Consumer markets and one to one marketing, value chains and the market place, Online
communities and new marketing opportunities, websites and ordering online, Online catalogs,
tying database, to online catalogs, Electronic consumer support, tracking online problems,
security software modules.
Virtual factory, virtual co-ordination and implementation, access to shared data and applications,
entrusting access to intermediary.
Business Process Engineering:
Approaches, models and methodologies, management of changes.
Legal Issues:
Risk associated with proper documents and electronic documents, authentication of electronic
documents, laws for e-commerce, EDI interchange agreements legal issues for internet commerce.
Reference Books:
KK Bajaj and D.Nag, E-Commerce .
D.Kosiur ,E-Commerce.
P. Loshin, P. Murphy, Electronic Commerce.
R. Kalakota, Frontiers of Electronic Commerce.

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